Changing from the Front to the Right
Changing to the front is as similar as changing to the front towards the left, but with a different direction of the turn.
To begin with, the leader opens to the left and goes forwards by the side. In the third step (the key point of this movement) the leader blocks the follower's way with an opening (with the left foot), making it wider and encircling the follower body. At this moment, the open side of the embrace is facing the dancing line.
The leader makes a step backwards with the right foot, back to the dancing line, and the follower goes forwards with the left foot by the leader's right side.
Then, the leader make a step backwards with the left foot and the follower goes forwards with the right foot, still by the leader's side.
We follow with the opening, the leader with the right foot and the follower with the left. This time the leader opens less than the follower, who makes a normal opening, allowing to find the dancing line, like when changing to the front towards the left. At this point, the open side of the embrace is facing against the dancing line.
The following steps serve the purpose of aligning: the leader goes forwards a step with the left foot and closes with the right while the follower reaches the appropriate supports to finish on the front together.
I teach step by step, paying special attention to the third movement where the leader encircles the follower's body blocking it's way. If he does not do it, the follower performs a cross forwards in front of the leader, and it's impossible to keep turning.
The two backward steps performed by the leader let's fall apart to allow for the follower to find a free way and not dodge the leader's supports.
The last leader opening should be small to better face the partner in the next two steps.
In order to execute movements in a simple way, with forward and backward steps, and openings, the shoulder lines should continue turning steadily from beginning to end.
The temporary structure will move along the music without medium or double times.